Tucked away in a beautiful plot in the rolling Devon hills, the challenge with this design was to make the most of the exceptional views from every room. With its timber frame it retains a traditional form but uses crisp contemporary detailing to elevate the design to a high standard. A reasonably compact new build family home, it was designed to be cost-effective both to build and to live in.

The building is super insulated with exceptional air tightness that is well below the passive house standard. This efficiency combined with air source heat pump and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, delivers exceptionally low running costs. The solar panels generate more electricity than the home needs in a year, making it carbon negative in use and giving it an A+ energy rating.

Dark standing seam metal cladding wraps the roof, northern rear face, and welcoming porch, creating a durable cloak to protect the house from the worst of the Devon weather. It combines beautifully with the light grey weathered ash front and side elevations, while details such as the concealed gutters and downpipes, and large picture windows, lend the house a modern minimalist aesthetic.

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New Build
Project TYPE
Buckfastleigh, South Hams
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